引用香港政府方面的說話:『香港的四個傳統主要行業,包括金融服務、旅遊、貿易及物流和專業及工商業支援服務,可帶動其他行業的發展,創造就業,是香港經濟動力的所在。此外,文化及創意產業、醫療產業、教育產業、創新科技產業、檢測及認證產業,以及環保產業等選定新興行業,亦被確認為享有優勢,可作進一步發展。』這樣看來,香港能按著這些行業重點發展,便會走向順境。然而我們看到這些行業的共通點;都是以人為本的服務性行業,事實上,香港、及中國,廣及全世界,科技已能夠取代人的工作,唯獨是服務性行業,卻是仍需要大量人手去運作。換言之,我們要走向光明,就需要大量的人手,而服務性行業需要的人手卻也是要十分有質素的,服務性行業如何能評估質素,那就必須採納 “神秘顧客” 的方案。 ”神秘顧客” 是什麼,請留意日後我們在這裡的討論。

pple 26 日緊急釋 iOS 9.3.5 更新,用家可即時到設定中進行系統更新,是次更新相隔上個版本不足一個月,據稱因為 iOS 9 版本中存在著一個重要漏洞,更被不法之徒用透過該漏洞駭進一名阿聯酋人權份子的 iPhone ,竊取機內資料,情況嚴重,致使 Apple 急忙釋出是次更新版本。


上一個 iOS 9.3.4 更新版本是 Apple 專門堵塞越程式的小量更新,釋出不夠一個月, Apple 再次釋出 iOS  9.3.5 更新版本,是次更新據外媒指出所牽涉的問題嚴重,關係到阿聯酋人權問題, Apple 即使作出反應,堵塞漏洞,以防事件進一步惡化。


據稱阿聯酋人權運動人士 Ahmed Mansoor 近日於個人手機 iPhone 6 收到不明來名的短訊,內容為當地監獄向犯人進行私刑的資料,並附上連結及有關訊息。因為資訊敏感可疑, Ahmed Mansoor 將其轉送至兩間網絡安全企業進行偵測,並發現惡意程式,讓程式更涉及一家專門開發間諜產品的外國企業。


因事態嚴重,兩家企業即時向 Apple 提交漏洞詳情希望 Apple 盡快堵塞,兩家企業發現該程式存在著 3 個安全漏洞,該 3 個 iOS 安全漏洞為 CVE-2016-4655 、 CVE-2016-4656 及 CVE-2016-4657 ,讓駭客能夠透過網絡遠端向目標 iPhone 進行越獄並得到手機最高使用權限,任意竊取鏡頭、麥克風及資料使用權限。


Apple 在收到通知後即時進行修補並即時推出 iOS 9.3.5 更新版本,為確保用家手機安全, iPhone 應即時升級最新版本,以免受到不必要損失。

IOS 9.3

To let members, learners and organizations succeed via translating mission into action.

Message from the Chairman

I have been an examiner of MBA viva voce and a visiting professor since 2002 and now I am still maintaining respectful relationships with the students.  Since then some students repeatedly proposed to set up an alumni, and yet the social circle was limited. Most, if not all, of the activities of alumnus were just social gatherings for dining once or twice a year.

The establishment of Literati Academy of the Greater China (or called, “Lagreach”) was more than dining parties.  We believe knowledge is power. Lagreach is going to be a multi-functional platform, which meets the voice of the members and contributes to the body of knowledge and the society. This association will not be limited to specific university students but we accept undergraduates or postgraduates in the Greater China Region. Members from business sector are always welcomed to Lagreach.  Together with the individual members, we are willing to help our corporate members to tackle their management problems.

The setup of every association depends on the effort that the members provided. My founding members have contributed much more than I anticipated.  They have voluntarily worked with me under pressure.  Last but not the least, I hereby sincerely express my heartfelt thanks for their efforts.

Vision: Building a platform for success.
Mission: >To let members, learners and organizations succeed via translating mission into action.


-          Unity is strength
-          Knowledge is the power
-          Be tolerant
-          Never say never
-          Continuous improvement

About us:

The headquarters of Lagreach is located in Hong Kong. We are bonded together with a group of academic degree holders with practical management experience.  We believe that unity is strength, knowledge is power and uniting these knowledgeable degree holders is a powerful force.  Lagreach is developing its network in the Greater China Region. Members could use this platform to learn, to seek business opportunities, and to develop their social circle.

Lagreach participates in social, educational, training, publications, environmental, cultural and charity activities and training courses. The Association is willing to co-organize activities with other associations, organizations and/or institutes whenever or whatever these activities are aligned with our vision and mission.